All files / src/section KeyName.tsx

100% Statements 18/18
60% Branches 9/15
100% Functions 2/2
100% Lines 17/17

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import { type PropsWithChildren } from 'react';
import { type TagType } from '../store/Types';
import { type SectionElement, useSectionStore } from '../store/Section';
import { useSectionRender } from '../utils/useRender';
import { type SectionElementResult } from '../store/Section';
export const KeyName = <K extends TagType>(props: SectionElement<K>) => {
  const { KeyName: Comp = {} } = useSectionStore();
  useSectionRender(Comp, props, 'KeyName');
  return null;
KeyName.displayName = 'JVR.KeyName';
export interface KeyNameCompProps<T extends object>
  extends React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLSpanElement>,
    SectionElementResult<T> {}
export const KeyNameComp = <T extends object>(props: PropsWithChildren<KeyNameCompProps<T>>) => {
  const { children, value, parentValue, keyName, keys } = props;
  const isNumber = typeof children === 'number';
  const style: React.CSSProperties = {
    color: isNumber ? 'var(--w-rjv-key-number, #268bd2)' : 'var(--w-rjv-key-string, #002b36)',
  const { KeyName: Comp = {} } = useSectionStore();
  const { as, render, ...reset } = Comp; = {, };
  const Elm = as || 'span';
  const child =
    render &&
    typeof render === 'function' &&
    render({ ...reset, children }, { value, parentValue, keyName, keys: keys || (keyName ? [keyName] : []) });
  if (child) return child;
  return <Elm {...reset}>{children}</Elm>;
KeyNameComp.displayName = 'JVR.KeyNameComp';