All files / src/comps Copied.tsx

71.15% Statements 37/52
82.85% Branches 29/35
50% Functions 4/8
69.38% Lines 34/49

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108                                  22x 1308x 1307x 1307x 1307x 1307x 1307x   1307x   38x 7x 7x 7x 1x 6x 1x 5x 1x 4x     7x   7x 7x   7x                                       7x     7x             38x         38x   38x           38x   38x   38x 33x 6x           27x             22x  
import { useState } from 'react';
import { useStore } from '../store';
import { useSectionStore, type SectionElementResult } from '../store/Section';
import { useShowToolsStore } from '../store/ShowTools';
import { type TagType } from '../store/Types';
import { bigIntToString } from '../types';
export type CopiedOption<T extends object> = {
  value?: T;
  copied: boolean;
  setCopied: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>;
export interface CopiedProps<T extends object> extends React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>, SectionElementResult<T> {
  expandKey: string;
export const Copied = <T extends object, K extends TagType>(props: CopiedProps<T>) => {
  const { keyName, value, parentValue, expandKey, keys, ...other } = props;
  const { onCopied, enableClipboard } = useStore();
  const showTools = useShowToolsStore();
  const isShowTools = showTools[expandKey];
  const [copied, setCopied] = useState(false);
  const { Copied: Comp = {} } = useSectionStore();
  if (enableClipboard === false || !isShowTools) return null;
  const click = (event: React.MouseEvent<SVGSVGElement, MouseEvent>) => {
    let copyText = '';
    if (typeof value === 'number' && value === Infinity) {
      copyText = 'Infinity';
    } else if (typeof value === 'number' && isNaN(value)) {
      copyText = 'NaN';
    } else if (typeof value === 'bigint') {
      copyText = bigIntToString(value);
    } else Iif (value instanceof Date) {
      copyText = value.toLocaleString();
    } else {
      copyText = JSON.stringify(value, (_, v) => (typeof v === 'bigint' ? bigIntToString(v) : v), 2);
    onCopied && onCopied(copyText, value);
    const _clipboard = navigator.clipboard || {
      writeText(text: string) {
        return new Promise((reslove, reject) => {
          const textarea = document.createElement('textarea');
 = 'absolute';
 = '0';
 = '-99999999px';
          textarea.value = text;
          if (!document.execCommand('copy')) {
          } else {
      .then(() => {
        const timer = setTimeout(() => {
        }, 3000);
      .catch((error) => {});
  const svgProps: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> = {
    style: { display: 'inline-flex' },
    fill: copied ? 'var(--w-rjv-copied-success-color, #28a745)' : 'var(--w-rjv-copied-color, currentColor)',
    onClick: click,
  const { as, render, ...reset } = Comp;
  const elmProps: React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> = {
    style: {,, },
  } as React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement>;
  const isRender = render && typeof render === 'function';
  const child =
    isRender &&
    render({ ...elmProps, 'data-copied': copied } as React.HTMLAttributes<K>, { value, keyName, keys, parentValue });
  if (child) return child;
  if (copied) {
    return (
      <svg viewBox="0 0 32 36" {...elmProps}>
        <path d="M27.5,33 L2.5,33 L2.5,12.5 L27.5,12.5 L27.5,15.2249049 C29.1403264,13.8627542 29.9736597,13.1778155 30,13.1700887 C30,11.9705278 30,10.0804982 30,7.5 C30,6.1 28.9,5 27.5,5 L20,5 C20,2.2 17.8,0 15,0 C12.2,0 10,2.2 10,5 L2.5,5 C1.1,5 0,6.1 0,7.5 L0,33 C0,34.4 1.1,36 2.5,36 L27.5,36 C28.9,36 30,34.4 30,33 L30,26.1114493 L27.5,28.4926435 L27.5,33 Z M7.5,7.5 L10,7.5 C10,7.5 12.5,6.4 12.5,5 C12.5,3.6 13.6,2.5 15,2.5 C16.4,2.5 17.5,3.6 17.5,5 C17.5,6.4 18.8,7.5 20,7.5 L22.5,7.5 C22.5,7.5 25,8.6 25,10 L5,10 C5,8.5 6.1,7.5 7.5,7.5 Z M5,27.5 L10,27.5 L10,25 L5,25 L5,27.5 Z M28.5589286,16 L32,19.6 L21.0160714,30.5382252 L13.5303571,24.2571429 L17.1303571,20.6571429 L21.0160714,24.5428571 L28.5589286,16 Z M17.5,15 L5,15 L5,17.5 L17.5,17.5 L17.5,15 Z M10,20 L5,20 L5,22.5 L10,22.5 L10,20 Z" />
  return (
    <svg viewBox="0 0 32 36" {...elmProps}>
      <path d="M27.5,33 L2.5,33 L2.5,12.5 L27.5,12.5 L27.5,20 L30,20 L30,7.5 C30,6.1 28.9,5 27.5,5 L20,5 C20,2.2 17.8,0 15,0 C12.2,0 10,2.2 10,5 L2.5,5 C1.1,5 0,6.1 0,7.5 L0,33 C0,34.4 1.1,36 2.5,36 L27.5,36 C28.9,36 30,34.4 30,33 L30,29 L27.5,29 L27.5,33 Z M7.5,7.5 L10,7.5 C10,7.5 12.5,6.4 12.5,5 C12.5,3.6 13.6,2.5 15,2.5 C16.4,2.5 17.5,3.6 17.5,5 C17.5,6.4 18.8,7.5 20,7.5 L22.5,7.5 C22.5,7.5 25,8.6 25,10 L5,10 C5,8.5 6.1,7.5 7.5,7.5 Z M5,27.5 L10,27.5 L10,25 L5,25 L5,27.5 Z M22.5,21.5 L22.5,16.5 L12.5,24 L22.5,31.5 L22.5,26.5 L32,26.5 L32,21.5 L22.5,21.5 Z M17.5,15 L5,15 L5,17.5 L17.5,17.5 L17.5,15 Z M10,20 L5,20 L5,22.5 L10,22.5 L10,20 Z" />
Copied.displayName = 'JVR.Copied';