All files / control/src getControl.ts

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Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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export default function getCustomOverlay() {
  return class extends BMap.Control {
    public container: HTMLDivElement;
    public map!: BMap.Map;
    constructor(elm: HTMLDivElement, defaultAnchor?: BMap.ControlAnchor, defaultOffset?: BMap.Size) {
      this.container = elm;
      this.defaultAnchor = defaultAnchor || BMAP_ANCHOR_TOP_LEFT;
      this.defaultOffset = defaultOffset || new BMap.Size(10, 10);
    public initialize: (map: BMap.Map) => HTMLElement = (map) => { = map;
      // 添加DOM元素到地图中
      return this.container;
    public draw = () => {};