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( this.props.children ) : this.props.fallback ? ( this.props.fallback(this.state.error) ) : this.state.error ? ( <div style={{ color: 'red' }}>{this.state.error.message}</div> ) : null; } private getScriptSrc() { const cfg = this.props; let protocol = (cfg.protocol || window.location.protocol) as APILoaderConfig['protocol']; if (protocol!.indexOf(':') === -1) { protocol += ':'; } const args = [`v=${cfg.version}`, `ak=${cfg.akay}`, `callback=${cfg.callbackName}`]; if (cfg.type) { args.push(`type=${cfg.type}`); } return `${protocol}//${cfg.hostAndPath}?${args.join('&')}`; } /** * load BaiduMap in script tag */ private async loadMap() { const { callbackName } = this.props; if (!window || !callbackName) { return; } const src = this.getScriptSrc(); window[callbackName] = () => { // flush queue const queue = APILoader.waitQueue; APILoader.waitQueue = []; queue.forEach((task) => task[0]()); this.finish(); }; for (let i = 0; i < DEFAULT_RETRY_TIME; i++) { try { await requireScript(src); break; } catch (error: any) { if (i === DEFAULT_RETRY_TIME - 1) { const err = new Error(`Failed to load Baidu Map: ${error.message}`); // flush queue const queue = APILoader.waitQueue; APILoader.waitQueue = []; queue.forEach((task) => task[1](err)); this.handleError(err); return; } await delay(i * 1000); } } } private handleError = (error: Error) => { if (this.isMountedOk) { this.setState({ error }); } }; private finish = () => { if (window && this.props.type === 'webgl') { window.BMap = window.BMapGL as any; } if (this.isMountedOk) { this.setState({ loaded: true, }); } }; } |